Let’s get to know Cleanser and Cleansing and how to choose one that’s suitable for our facial skin.

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Cleanser and Cleansing : The subject of beauty and makeup is something that goes hand in hand with girls. Once you know how to apply makeup, you must know how to wash your face to remove all the makeup. That is on the face out That is very important and equally important. If you don’t want to have clogged pores or inflamed acne, blackheads, elephantheads, and all types of acne, including problems on the face such as dry, rough skin that wilts quickly and prematurely. Ladies, you should pay attention to cleaning your face from now on. Cleansing the face each day is very important. If you don’t want your child to have clogged acne or inflamed acne, ask for it.

Many young women often choose to use facial cleansing foam only to clean their face. Which is actually not enough. But on any day, if you put on light, light makeup. Just slap on loose powder or stay home and not put on makeup. Using facial cleansing foam is considered sufficient. But modern cosmetics often have waterproof formulas. and many ingredients Therefore, there must be another product to help remove the residue caused by using various cosmetics from our facial skin each day. By choosing a facial cleansing product that is correct and suitable for our skin type.

Have you ever wondered if Facial cleansing products on the market There are many types to choose from. And some names are very similar, such as Cleansing and Cleanser. Some people say the same thing. Some people say they are different. โปรโมชั่น ufabet will solve the question for girls to choose correctly and appropriately.


Cleanser is a product that cleanses the facial skin deep into the pores and is used with water. It will help remove dirt, oil stains and various residues. To fall away from the surface. Including used to clean the cleansing residue that we use to remove makeup before actually washing the face with cleanser, which many people know by the name of facial cleansing foam, facial cleansing gel, or facial cleansing soap. Simply put, Well, the cleanser is actually a facial cleanser. Wash away various impurities Really leaves the surface of the face. And must be wash off with clean water.

When do you use cleanser?

Use after your face is wet. If you don’t wear makeup, you can wash your face with cleanser. But you must moisturize your face first. As for who wears makeup? Or apply sunscreen, you have to use cleansing when your face is still dry and clean, and then use cleanser to clean your face again.


Cleansing is a product that cleans the facial skin. By removing dirt, grease, and cosmetics. If someone does makeup Or apply sunscreen as well, you should use cleansing first so that our pores won’t get clogged.

What types of cleansing are there ?

There are many types of cleansing. Which can be used according to our skin type, such as

  • Milk formula (Cleansing Milk): suitable for oily skin. Because it’s a lightweight cleanser. No oiliness from oil. Girls with oily skin can use it.
  • Oil formula (Cleansing Oil): suitable for dry skin. which increases moisture and is more gentle on dry skin. But it is not suitable for girls with oily skin and people who are currently suffering from acne. Because it will cause oily skin and more acne than before.
  • Gel formula (Cleansing Gel): suitable for sensitive skin. Doesn’t make the skin irritated or dry. But because it has a very light texture, it may take a long time to clean.
  • Water formula (Cleansing Water): suitable for girls of all skin types because it is a very light cleansing that does not cause irritation. Making it suitable for all skin types.