Chicken Soup International Food Useful and helps build immunity.

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Chicken soup or chicken soup, a hot dish made with both water and meat. Soup is probably the oldest food. History indicates that when humans learned to make pots or round containers made from clay, they also knew how to prepare soup to eat using local ingredients. And the first type of meat that can be caught in a pot is probably chicken because chickens are everywhere in the world and are easy to find and easy to hunt because they are not good at flying. Running isn’t fast. Therefore, it is an animal that is easily hunt. Chicken soup is consider a traditional food for people all over the world. It is a  homemade healing food that anyone can make. 

Chicken broth is a really hard to find food. This dish is pleasing to the eye for its simplicity of preparation, excellent taste and healing composition. The broth will be especially useful for people who have recently suffered a serious illness or surgery. Light broth helps to recover faster, increases strength, strengthens immunity. But in order not to be baseless, UFABET give effective arguments.

Chicken meat is famous for the accumulation of a large number of various substances, including vitamins. A special place is given to thiamine, vitamin B12, folic acid, flavones, pyridoxine, vitamin N.

Meat broth is not destroy by mineral elements. Among all the variety, it makes sense to highlight the most useful. Among them are calcium, potassium, sulfur, copper, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, zinc, chlorine and others. All these compounds support the vital systems and organs of the human body.

The mineral is concentrate not only in but in poultry but also in bones, cartilage and skin. That is why the broth is prepare from a team of mixtures. This special technique is achieve with bone tissue, chicken broth easily heals broken wounds.

Chicken Soup, International Food: Everyone knows how to cook chicken soup. Each nation has a different formula.


Cook chicken soup with herbs. Or just boiling regular chicken is beneficial. Old chicken is commonly use. It means focusing on eating soup. Because the meat of old chicken is tougher than that of young chicken, but the bones that have accumulated minerals will make the soup sweet and delicious. The standard chicken soup recipe is a whole chicken. (or as much as you have) with ginger slices, green onions, goji berries (goji berries) and season with salt and pepper. Body nourishing recipe with Chinese wine and goji berries. Chinese people eat soup as a tonic. And when you know how to make noodles, you use chicken broth as the soup in the noodles.


Korean style chicken soup or ginseng stewed chicken, Samgyetang. The most famous recipe uses blackened chicken. or chicken stuffed with sticky rice Boil a whole chicken with ginseng, ginger, jujube, ginkgo, goji, and other herbs to prevent colds. Helps warm the body when winter comes. Korean people say that it’s a secret to taking care of your body with heat with heat, which is to eat hot soup to warm your body against the cold wind.


Chicken soup recipe of English origin, famous from Scotland, called Cock-a-leekie. and was call Scottish National Soup with leek Boil with prunes And garnish with sliced ​​julienne prunes before serving. If you want the soup to be thicker, add barley or oat flakes. It is said that the recipe for clear came from France at the end of the 16th century. Later it was popular to use onions instead of leeks.


Greeks and Chinese believe that chicken soup cures colds. It is a nourishing food for pregnant women and postpartum women. Treats asthma and leprosy A rich Greek chicken soup with eggs and lemon called Avgolemono . The base is made from chicken stock. Make sauces and soups. or boiled into a stew The truth has its roots in Jewish soup making. And eat until satisfied by adding rice or pastina (small pieces of pasta).


Jewish chicken soup is a traditional Passover food. When Jews immigrated to other places, they brought recipes for chicken soup with them. For example, it was spread in America in the early 16th century. The main seasoning aside from chicken was fresh and dried corn. By applying recipes from indigenous people. A popular recipe called Matzah ball soup is a clear chicken soup with chicken meatballs.


There is a clear chicken soup call bouillon and consommé . Chicken is boil with herbs such as fresh thyme, bay leaves, garlic, Dijon mustard, tarragon, nutmeg and white wine. Anyone’s recipe can make it. If the consommé needs to be boil and then strain, add egg whites, boil, strain, then strain (again) until you get a clear soup. Or a recipe that boils with 3 types of vegetables called  Mirepoix including carrots, onions, celery, or you can also add leeks. These 3 vegetables can be use to make a vegan vegetable soup.